Be Happy!

Be Happy!
A toaster in Greece produced this!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

My Week at S Magazine: Day 3

Today I left the Northern and Shell building with yet another massive grin on my face.
It started with seeing Natalie Cassidy (Sonia from Eastenders) in the reception of the building and ended with me bagging about £30 worth of goodies. Here's what happend:

Bright and early once again, I arrived at Monument with some time to kill. After grabbing myself a pasta salad from Tesco, I entered the building and the S Magazine office. Yet again Benita, my pal made me feel really welcome and I quickly continued with my job from yesterday evening. Tidying and ordering the catalogues alphabetically was actually fun- however i'm just a freak who likes things organised- and it did look a lot better once I had finished, if I do say so myself. No sooner had I finished my first job, than I was on to my second. This again was a fun one. I had to research products that would be suitable for the Mother's Day page that is going to be in an edition soon. This meant searching websites such as John Lewis and Cath Kidston and also gave me some great ideas for my own Mother's Day present. This continued until lunch time, however as I am not an expert with Apple Macs, my word document froze and I risked losing everything I had done. Benita and I decided to leave it while I went to lunch however when I returned, it was still frozen. Laura quickly taught me how to turn the computer off and once it came back on, low and behold, my work had saved. Bingo. So, I carried on with this until Benita gave me yet another job (still not complaining, I love it) which was to run through the latest magazine (due to come out on the 19th of Feb however I've already seen it :)) and fill in a table with its entire contents. This felt like such a risky job because the document was MASSIVE and contained the contents of loads of editions since 2007! Imagine if I had deleted it....
Then to my massive surprise and delight, Benita handed me a bag and told me we were going to a beauty sale. I, for one, had never heard of one of this but was thrilled to see what it entailed. Laura explained that certain things around the room were normally a certain price, e.g. the items on the sofa were normally £1. Annoyingly, I only had a £5 note so I only gathered four things, some blusher and lipsticks. I went to go and pay for my items, praying it wouldn't reach over £5, only to be told that because I was on work experience, everything was FREE!!!! So, back in I went and came out with SO much stuff...including orange lipstick which isn't as bad as it sounds I promise. It was amazing, best thing ever. I've now got some nice Maybelline foundation and mascara, probably worth £10 each I would guess- don't go near the expensive stuff in Superdrug, I stick to my good old Miss Sporty! Some nice Topshop lipstick which I cant WAIT to wear at the weekend and Topshop Blusher. I also managed to get even more blusher, from Rimmel London and another make I had never heard of. I got my mum some pomegranate body lotion and some thing from Lush but i'm not entirely sure what it was. I wish wish wish I got more stuff and not just bloody blusher but oh well, maybe next time. I must be the luckiest work experience girl EVER because Benita told me that it only happens every couple of months!
After my excitement had simmered, I continued with my jobs. After completing my nice table and saving it successfully, I continued with my product hunting. I made Louise (editor) some more tea and she explained that I HAVE to go on a photoshoot either while i'm there (not likely) or even if i'm not! How good is that?! So tomorrow i'm going to ask whether they have any space for me to come back in the easter holidays :D pray pray pray they do.
6pm came around too quickly for my liking and, once again, all the computers were switched off promptly and everyone was out the door. Second to last day tomorrow and I really dont want to leave. I walked past my fish and chip shop today and was brought back to the harsh reality of real life. By Monday i'll be back in college studying like mad for the AAB grades that will get me a job like the one i've been experiencing all week. And I can't stress how much I now want it.


  1. This sounds so fun! How did you get this? :)

  2. It is amazing! A family friend of mine is the deputy editor :)
